Logical and Physical Addresses

In this post, I am going to talk about logical and physical addressing of main memory (DRAM) in computer systems. Logical addresses are also known as virtual addresses. In fact, I would refer to them logical aka virtual aka unreal addresses. Yes, as the name suggests, logical addresses are unreal addresses. These are not the... Continue Reading →

Difference between Page table and Inverted Page table

A page table is maintained by the operating system on a per process basis. Every process has its own page table, and that is why we do not need to store any process identifier(s) in the page table. Page table maps a given logical/virtual page number to actual physical frame/page address. The logical address for a... Continue Reading →

Paging v/s Swapping

Swapping is the procedure of copying out the entire process(its address space) from main memory to some sort of secondary storage(typically hard disk or tape storage). Usually this is done as a result of CPU scheduling. Operating System typically maintains a read-to-run queue of processes. The queue comprises of information about processes that are ready... Continue Reading →

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